Installation ============ Install Homebrew-file with Homebrew:: $ brew install rcmdnk/file/brew-file or you can use install script:: $ curl -o -fsSL $ chmod 755 ./ $ ./ $ rm -f which installs Homebrew itself, too, if it is not installed. Then, add following lines in you **.bashrc** or **.zshrc** to wrap ``brew`` command: .. code-block:: sh if [ -f $(brew --prefix)/etc/brew-wrap ];then source $(brew --prefix)/etc/brew-wrap fi Or, for Fish Shell add the following lines in your **** to wrap ``brew`` command: .. code-block:: sh if test -f (brew --prefix)/etc/ source (brew --prefix)/etc/ end **brew-wrap** wraps the original ``brew`` command for an automatic update of **Brewfile** when you execute such a ``brew install`` or ``brew uninstall``. .. note:: 2/Feb/2023 update The default place of Brewfile uses $XDG_CONFIG_HOME if it is defined. .. note:: 21/Sep/2017 update The default place of Brewfile has been changed from:: ~/.brewfile/Brewfile to:: ~/.config/brewfile/Brewfile If ~/.config/brewfile/Brewfile doesn't exist but ~/.brewfile/Brewfile exists, ~/.brewfile/Brewfile is used as default Brewfile. .. note:: 17/Dec/2015 update The default place of Brewfile has been changed from:: /usr/local/Library/Brewfile to:: ~/.brewfile/Brewfile because Homebrew deletes files under **/usr/local** other than Homebrew's one when such ``brew update`` is executed. (Homebrew checkout its repository as **/usr/local**.) If you used an old default setting (**/usr/local/Library/Brewfile**), you might lose Brewfile. In such case, please try ``brew file init`` and chose local Brewfile, which makes new file **~/.brewfile/Brewfile**. If you used git repository, you might see a output when you executed ``brew update``:: $ brew update Ignoring path Library/rcmdnk_Brewfile/ To restore the stashed changes to /usr/local run: `cd /usr/local && git stash pop` Already up-to-date. In this case, please delete **/usr/local/Library/_Brewfile**, then do ``brew file set_repo``. New repository will be checked out to **~/.brewfile/_Brewfile**.