
Help message of brew-file:

usage: brew-file [-f INPUT] [-b BACKUP] [-F FORM] [--leaves] [--on_request] [--top_packages TOP_PACKAGES] [-U] [-r REPO] [-n]
                 [--caskonly] [--appstore APPSTORE] [--no_appstore] [-d] [-y] [-V {debug,info,warning,error,critical}] [-h]
                 [command] ...

Brew-file: Manager for packages of Homebrew.

requirement: Python 3.10

  -f INPUT, --file INPUT
                        Set input file (default: ~/.config/brewfile/Brewfile).
                        You can set input file by environmental variable,
                        HOMEBREW_BREWFILE, like:
                            export HOMEBREW_BREWFILE=~/.brewfile
  -b BACKUP, --backup BACKUP
                        Set backup file (default: ).
                        If it is empty, no backup is made.
                        You can set backup file by environmental variable,
                         HOMEBREW_BREWFILE_BACKUP, like:
                            export HOMEBREW_BREWFILE_BACKUP=~/brewfile.backup
  -F FORM, --format FORM, --form FORM
                        Set input file format (default: None).
                        file (or none)    : brew vim --HEAD --with-lua
                        brewdler or bundle: brew 'vim', args: ['with-lua', 'HEAD']
                          Compatible with [homebrew-bundle](
                        command or cmd    : brew install vim --HEAD --with-lua
                          Can be used as a shell script.
  --leaves              Make list only for leaves (taken by `brew leaves`).
                        You can set this by environmental variable, HOMEBREW_BREWFILE_LEAVES, like:
                            export HOMEBREW_BREWFILE_LEAVES=1
  --on_request          Make list only for packages installed on request.
                        This option is given priority over 'leaves'.
                        You can set this by environmental variable, HOMEBREW_BREWFILE_ON_REQUEST, like:
                            export HOMEBREW_BREWFILE_ON_REQUEST=1
  --top_packages TOP_PACKAGES
                        Packages to be listed even if they are under dependencies
                        and `leaves`/'on_request' option is used.
                        You can set this by environmental variable,
                         HOMEBREW_BREWFILE_TOP_PACKAGES (',' separated), like:
                            export HOMEBREW_BREWFILE_TOP_PACKAGES=go,coreutils
  -U, --noupgrade       Do not execute `brew update/brew upgrade` at `brew file update`.
  -r REPO, --repo REPO  Set repository name. Use with set_repo.
  -n, --nolink          Don't make links for Apps.
  --caskonly            Write out only cask related packages
  --appstore APPSTORE   Set AppStore application check level.
                        0: do not check,
                        1: check and manage,
                        2: check for installation,but do not add to Brewfile when Apps are added.
                        You can set the level by environmental variable:
                            export HOMEBREW_BREWFILE_APPSTORE=0
  --no_appstore         Set AppStore application check level to 0.
                        (legacy option, works same as '--appstore 0'.)
  -d, --dry_run         Set dry run mode.
  -y, --yes             Answer yes to all yes/no questions.
  -V {debug,info,warning,error,critical}, --verbose {debug,info,warning,error,critical}
                        Verbose level
  -h, --help            Print Help (this message) and exit.

    install             Install packages in BREWFILE if no <package> is given.
                        If <package> is given, the package is installed and it is added
                        in BREWFILE.
    brew                Execute brew command, and update BREWFILE.
                        Use 'brew noinit <brew command>' to suppress Brewfile initialization.
    init                or dump/-i/--init
                        Initialize/Update BREWFILE with installed packages.
    set_repo            or -s/--set_repo
                        Set BREWFILE repository (e.g. rcmdnk/Brewfile or full path to your repository).
    set_local           or --set_local
                        Set BREWFILE to local file.
    pull                Update BREWFILE from the repository.
    push                Push your BREWFILE to the repository.
    clean               or -c/--clean
                        Uninstall packages not in the list.
                        Untap packages not in the list.
                        Cleanup cache (brew cleanup).
    clean_non_request   or --clean_non_request.
                        Uninstall packages which were installed as dependencies
                        but parent packages of which were already uninstalled.
    update              or -u/--update
                        Do brew update/upgrade, cask upgrade, pull,install,
                        init and push.
                        In addition, pull and push
                        will be done if the repository is assigned.
    edit                or -e/--edit
                        Edit input files.
    cat                 or --cat
                        Show contents of input files.
    casklist            Check applications for Cask.
    get_files           Get Brewfile's full path, including additional files.
    commands            or --commands
                        Show commands.
    version             or -v/--version
                        Show version.
    help                or -h/--help
                        Print Help (this message) and exit.

Check for more details.